Stop Adani beach action
Hundreds of people gathered on a beach spelling out # Stop Adani

Ocean activism
Thousands of people gathered on a beach, making the shape of a shark and the words Defend The Sea.

Bansky graffiti
Graffiti that says, If Graffiti Changed Anything It Would Be Illegal, in red spray paint, with a picture of a rat below.

Chalk art
Sidewalk chalk art that says, Power to the People in multiple colors

Banksy - I want change
Bansky art that has a man spray-painted on a brick wall, holding a sign that says, Keep Your Coins. I Want Change.

Stop War
A stop sign which has the word War spray painted in black letters underneath the word Stop.

Creative art activism
Creative paint activism where someone has painted a penis around a severe pothole that the city refused to fix.

Christ the Redeemer gets a banner drop
Greenpeace activists climb up the Brazilian Christ the Redeemer statue to drop a massive yellow banner which says, The Future of the Planet is in Your Hands in English and Spanish.

Banner drop
White banner hanging off a bridge. The banner says, Abortions Save Lives. Keep Clinics Open. Block # HB2.

Save the dolphins
A poster with a picture of a dolphin, red sea water, depicting blood, and text that says, Save me from Taiji slaughter.
Creative banner
A banner with a picture of Dr. Suess’s The Lorax and text beside him that says, If you want to kill species, buy Mitsubishis.
Environmental banner
A white, cloth banner that has painted that says, Boycott Mitsubishi, The Worlds Largest Rainforest Destroyer.

Anti-coal activism
A group of men and women performing creative activism by sweeping what looks like coal across the steps to a politicians office. There is a yellow banner on the ground that says, You Can’t Clean Coal. Keep it in the ground.

Anti-Adani action
A group of people holding small red signs that say Stop Adani, with some of the people holding larger individual white letter that spell out Stop The Loan.

A black and white photo of suffragettes each holding signs that are pro-voting rights for women.

A photo of approximately 10 suffragettes each holding signs promoting their right to vote.

Direct Action for Refugees
'Refugees Welcome' Banner Unfurled at Statue of Liberty in anti-Trump Protest.

Banner drop to stop animal torture
Two white, cloth banners which have text that reads, Tell UW to stop animal torture, and the other reads, www.NoNewAnimalLab.com

Greenpeace action
Two Greenpeace activists have climbed up a crane and have hung a banner which has text that reads, Stop the coal rush. For health, water and climate.

Banner drop
Protesters hung a banner accusing the Oakland Police Department of being guilty of human trafficking and statutory rape.

Banner Drop
Banner drop in front of Trump Tower. The banner reads, Resist. Defend. The word Defend is over top of an image of the earth.

Civil Rights
A black and white image of African American women and men marching with signs reading, We demand voting rights now, and we demand an end to police brutality now!

Extreme banner drop
Two activists hang off a bridge over a river after hanging a banner that reads, for devils sake, don’t mine the Tarkine.

Projector activism
Street activism where activists have a projected the words, Climate change, contemporary land art? onto the side of a building.

Projector bombing
Activists have projected the words, # Flood Wall Street, Stop capitalism! and End the Climate crisis! onto the side of a building, along with details for an event that occurred in New York City.

Projector bombing
A hand drawn image of a projector which is projecting the word “activism.”

Anti-nuclear action
Greenpeace projects the words, No Mas Fukushima, next to an image of the biohazard symbol, onto a tower at a nuclear power plant.

National Animal Rights Day
Animal rights activists gather at a beach, some holding dead animals, with a long banner stretched in front of them which reads, National Animal Rights Day.

National Animal Rights Day
Animal rights activists gather in a city square, some holding dead animals, with a long banner stretched in front of them which reads, National Animal Rights Day.

Chalk activism
Words chalked in bright colored text which reads, solidarity with no new animal lab!

Chalk activism
A bright colored rainbow chalked on the pavement with colored text above which reads, I support marriage equality.

Banner drop
A white cloth banner hanging off of a bridge with text that reads, Skanska. Building on animal cruelty.

Comedic activism
A statue of Donald Trump naked is displayed in Union Square in Manhattan. People are standing around the display and taking pictures of it.

Comedic activism
A statue of Donald Trump naked is displayed in Union Square in Manhattan. People are standing around the display and taking pictures of it.

Chalk activism
A woman stands on the sidewalk near chalked text that reads, I was harassed here. Holla back! I reclaim this street!

Environmental activism
A bird’s eye view of hundreds of people gathered on a beach in the shape of a turtle and a jellyfish, as well as spelling out the words, Keep me trash free.

Environmental Activism
A bird’s eye view of hundreds of people spelling out the words, clean me up, with a smiley face at the end.

Art activism
A man stands in front of a brick wall that is painted bright blue, with three bees painted and the text, When we go, we’re taking you all with us!

Activist tool-kit
A graphic showing numerous items to consider carrying in your activist tool-kit, including snacks, water, prescription medication, first-aid items, gloves, biohazard gear and a burner phone.

Feminist graffiti
Bathroom graffiti from feminist activists in Western Australia. The text reads, Wherever men got their audacity, they need to put it back.

Feminist graffiti
Bathroom graffiti from feminist activists in Western Australia. The text reads, Women are women’s best ally.

Bathroom graffiti from feminist activists in Western Australia. The text reads, women who want to be equal to men lack ambition. # Liberation

Women's rights banner drop
A white cloth banner hanging off of a bridge with text reading, Women - bullied, threatened and silenced. # No Justice in March 4 Justice.