What’s next

for your Affinity group?

It may feel like a lot of information, and that’s because it is a lot of information, but it is important information that can mean the difference between success and failure or between your AG having longevity or being short-lived. So, below is a list of information that is beneficial for you/your AG to cover. Have fun with it and take it in steps. Don’t overwhelm or exhaust yourself. You cannot learn everything in a day, and you will always learn more as your age and experience levels increase.

Make sure you/your AG cover vouching and consensus decision-making along with the following:

Facilitating meetings for your affinity group

Important security measures

Nonviolence versus violence exercise for AG’s

Legal: Summary

Legal: Common offences

Activist tool-kit

De-escalation skills and tactics



Once you have established an affinity group, your AG will benefit greatly from NVDA training. Even if you/your group does not expect to engage in any form of arrestable action, reviewing the NVDA training material will be very beneficial.

You can access full training materials here, and use the information on facilitating meetings (above) to help you begin planning your training session.

If you/your AG have completed NVDA training, have gone through the Activist Centre on our site, and want to engage in forms of direct action (nonviolent or otherwise), click below.



To learn even more, browse the Resources & Literature section of our site.

If you need a further hand to figure out what type of actions you/your AG want to plan and engage in, check out the Videos & Footage section of our website to see different tactics, from different categories of activism, in action.