Ban Farrowing Crates and sow stalls
in western Australia
Please sign and share the petition to help pigs in Western Australia -
HUGE UPDATE - May 26, 2021:
Our petition to ban sow stalls and farrowing crates in Western Australia has been tabled in Parliament! We are one step closer to banning these cruel & inhumane ‘housing’ mechanisms and systems. Details below!
D.A.M Media Statement - Ban Sow Stalls and Farrowing Crates in Western Australia
D.A.M Founder, Jessica Williams (pictured in the middle), attends the Saving Lives - Celebrating Your Contribution to Animal Welfare event at WA Parliament on October 26, 2021.

Campaigns to address sex-based discrimination at WA Venues
D.A.M Founder, Jessica Williams, came across a Facebook post regarding a situation at Amplifier Capitol where the owner and management discriminated against ‘female’ staff by requiring them to wear a low-cut top that was obviously different than the ‘male’ uniforms. Staff were told to leave their jobs if they didn’t like it. Jessica started a social media campaign to raise awareness about this situation and it went viral. She met with the owner and a staff member from Amplifier Capitol, along with another DAM crew member, and successfully addressed the situation. This campaign attracted international attention. Click here to see full details regarding this campaign.
This situation was mirrored when DAM took on the Rapture Nightclub and Neil Scott. Details here.
Sarah’s tree-sit
Guerilla rubbish collection
NVDA training
We have trained over 75 activists in Western Australia. If you are interested in attending a nonviolent direct action educational session, email us at or contact us on Facebook.
safe access zone campaign
Our Founder has led the political and public campaign for this issue for almost three years. She has gained nationwide attention regarding serious rights violations for girls & women when trying to access legal reproductive health service clinics in WA. Staff at these clinics were also suffering these rights violations. Due to D.A.M’s persistence, the McGowan State Government and the Health Department quickly released a discussion paper for public consultation which received an enormous amount of supportive responses. They are now in the process of drafting the legislation for safe access zones in WA. All we need now is for it to pass through the Upper House.
The WA Labor government did not prioritize the Safe Access Zones Bill therefore it did not have enough time to pass the Upper House before the end of the Parliamentary sitting year 2020. This means that the Bill will have to repeat the entire process again and be re-introduced to the Lower House. DAM is committed to applying consistent pressure to the McGowan government to ensure the Bill is prioritized this time around.
CAMPAIGN UPDATE - May 26, 2021
The Safe Access Zones Bill has been reintroduced into the Lower House of the Parliament of Western Australia! The second reading occurred today and D.A.M will continue to work hard to ensure this Bill is passed and made into law promptly!
WE HAVE DONE IT! The Public Health Amendment (Safe Access Zones) Bill 2021 has passed the Legislative Assembly and has passed the Legislative Council and has now become law in Western Australia!
Media Statement from Western Australians for Safe Access Zones
Protecting lewin forest
DAM members helped establish and sustain a base camp in Lewin Forest, one of multiple vital old growth forests under threat in WA. One of our members stayed for an extended length of time to help successfully protect the forest.
Rally Against racism
Rally Against Racism is a campaign supporting Noongar mob in their fight against a racist Councillor named Michael Separovich that currently holds office as an Elected Member of the City of Cockburn Council.
DAM is conducting a survey to gather data on the impact of this Councillors language and actions, we are assisting with planning and organising rallies and we are working diligently behind the scenes to gather necessary information for the complex complaint process that must be followed in order to hopefully see the Director General of the Department of Local Government recommend to WA Minister for Local Gov. David Templeman for this Councillor to be removed.
CAMPAIGN UPDATE - April 12, 2021
We are so pleased to announce that our efforts throughout the Rally Against Racism campaign were successful! Get the details here.
Joondalup Council campaign
We are assisting local Noongar woman and activist Casey Kickett with her campaign to see a plaque, glorifying one of many ‘missions’ across WA, located in Joondalup to be removed and replaced with artwork and a memorial designed and decided upon by local Noongar elders. These missions served as centres to gather stolen Aboriginal children in an effort to condition them into believing white man’s religion and using our language. Many children were sent to the homes of rich Australians to be servants. At this specific location in Joondalup, it is believed, and data supports that belief, that there are numerous Aboriginal children buried in unmarked graves. These children passed away from illness, or at least, that’s what the little amount of information we have suggests.
See the full post here -
We believe community-building is an extremely important part of being human and being an activist. One of the ways in which we support our community members is through disseminating important information. In the spirit of empowering women and benefiting all of society and our earth, our founder has put the following two documents together for girls and women in Western Australia. The information included will also be beneficial to girls and women wherever they are located. The DAM team encourages you to create your own similar document for girls and women in your area.
Resources for girls and women experiencing male violence, family violence, sexual assault and/or at risk of homelessness
Exiting the sex trade - Resource document for girls and women