Direct action
Three activists on tripods are blocking a road. Several activists in orange jumpsuits are sitting underneath the tripods in the road. Police can be seen in the background.

Direct action
A large crowd is seen supporting several women that are in tripods. They are holding hot pink signs with anti-oil messages on them.

Frontline Action on Coal
An activist is on a tripod which has lines connected to three heavy-duty machines and trucks which are used for mining and land clearing.

Police brutality
Police officers are pepper spraying peaceful activists that are sitting on the ground.

Direct action for the trees
A black and white photo where two activists can be seen placed high in trees. They have their arms wrapped around the tree trunks.

PVC pipe lock-on
An image of a PVC pipe used as a lock-on for direct action. It shows a cut out of the material to show what mechanism is used inside.

Direct Action at Manchester Airport
A group of activists using tripods to blockade the road entrance to the World Freight Terminal preventing airfreighted goods from being taken in or out. They have unfurled a banner reading: “More air freight = more climate change. Stop all airport expansion now.”

Direct action
An activist is blocking a pathway on a tripod.

Direct action
A woman and a man are suspended up in a tree with a platform, sleeping bags and other items tied to the tree.

Arm tube lock-on - angle
An image of an angle. This is when two arm tubes have been welded together to form an angle. It is pictured setting up on cement blocks.

A female activist is pictured smiling while sitting on a wooden platform which is suspended up in a tree. There are buckets and bags around her.

Two women are pictured in a forest area with D-lock devices around their necks.

Tube/Arm Pipe for Lock-ons

Thumbcuffs secured around two thumbs.

Damien Mander with the Black Mambas
A man and a woman wearing camouflage and holding guns with a rhinoceros in the background. They are protecting the rhinoceros.

Activists coordinate actions at Manchester aiport
A group of 6 activists created a human circle around a stationary plane using arm tube lock-ons.

Direct action
An elderly lady is locked-on to a piece of machinery with an angle arm tube.

Activists shut down Burghfield Atomic Weapons Establishment
Several activists are laying on the road and locked-on to each other with arm tubes. The police are kneeled down near them.

Tree-sit (platform)
An activist is standing up on a wooden platform which is suspended high up in a tree.

An image of two activists in tree-sits in the distance. Both have long blue banners draped from wooden platforms.

Animal activism
Numerous animal rights activists are wearing red shirts and PPE while standing near cages.

No Roe 8 campaign
A female activist is locked-on to heavy-duty machinery and pictured behind a fence. A female police officer is standing beside her.

Lock the Gate
A man is chained to a fence and holds a yellow sign that says, Lock the gate to coal & gas companies.

A sketch of a tripod and where a person sits in it.

Numerous activists form a human circle and are connected to one another via arm tube lock-ons.

Forest activism
A man is chained to a door and holds a sign that says, forest destruction is not sexy.

Direct action
Several activists are sitting around a pillar inside a building and are locked-on to one another via arm tubes.

Anti-fracking direct action
An activist blocks a road with a tripod like structure with red banners hanging that say, break the chain.

No Roe 8 campaign
A crowd of activists is sitting on a fallen fence in a forest. Police are lined up behind them.

Chains and locks for lock-ons

Dragon/Barrel - type of lock-on device

A woman is locked-on to the front of a truck via a d-lock around her neck. She is wearing orange high vis and a white hard hat.
Activists chain themselves to fence in an effort to save Black Swan Lake in Queensland
Activists are standing and are chained to a fence. A man is holding a news camera and filming them.
Activists arrested at Black Swan Lake Protest
Activists are standing and are chained to a fence. A man is holding a camera and is taking pictures of them.

More information on lock-ons

Kinder Morgan facility blockaded
Three activists are sitting on the pavement in front of a fenced gate with their arms locked into a large black pipe with the words, no consent, no pipeline, painted in white.

Direct action with barrel lock-ons
Two women have their arms locked-on inside of a barrel that has been painted black and has words painted in white and yellow letters that say, We won’t stop until you do.

Activists lock-on and blockade at Barton Moss
A group of four activists are locked-on to one another through arm tubes and have formed a circle and are sitting in a circle on the dirt. There is a crowd around them.

German activists fight to save ancient forest
Two activists are locked-on to each other and around a tree using arm tubes.

German activists fight to save ancient forest
Two activists are locked-on to a piece of machinery via metal arm tubes.

A crowd of supporters of DAM member Sarah at her Tree-sit on Bibra Drive in Western Australia.

Suspended platform action
Two activists are on a platform suspended over the side of a building with a banner above them that reads, S O S Manus.

DAM member Nicole and Founder Jess supporting DAM member Sarah at her Tree-sit on Bibra Drive in WA.

No Roe 8 campaign
Passionate and brave activists, including DAM founder, under arrest during the WA direct action protests against Roe 8. Pictured in the Western Australian bush, there are three female activists and one male activists kneeling an under arrest with a female police officer standing to the right of them.

Activist tool-kit
A graphic that has images of the items to carry in your activist tool-kit including gloves, first-aid, snacks, water, prescription meds and sun protection.

Advanced activist tool-kit
An image which lists items to carry in an advanced activist tool-kit including flashlight, wire cutters, burner phone, biohazard gear, balaclava, black gloves, first-aid and walkie-talkies.